Natural Health Remedies
For Your Body and Mind

Margie Garrison
"The Arthritis Lady"
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The Importance of Enzymes

Even vitamins, minerals, and hormones cannot do their jobs without enzymes.  They are the catalysts, the dynamic power that gives us our ability to function at the highest level of good health.

Our bodies cannot exist without enzymes.

I will be talking about digestive plant enzymes.  For proper digestion to happen, 4 major enzymes are required.


Amylase aids the digestion of carbohydrates and starches. (Fruit, vegetables, pasta, and bread)


Protease enzymes digest proteins (red meats, fowl, fish, and nuts. If improperly digested, protein putrefies in the system, causing indigestion and toxicity.


Lipase breaks down fats and assists in balancing fatty acids.  Fats not thoroughly digested turn rancid and create pungent odors and poor cholesterol balance.


Cellulase breaks down cellulose (the fiber found in vegetables and other plant materials) however; the body does not produce cellulase. Undigested fiber leaves a wax like residue in the small intestine and adds to absorption ills.

Enzymes are destroyed by the heat produced when we boil, microwave, or pressure cook food. When the temperature rises above 118 degrees Fahrenheit while steaming, even that process can destroy enzymes.

80% of our body's energy is used by the digestive process.  If you run down, are under stress, living in a very hot or very cold climate, pregnant, or a frequent air traveler, enormous quantities of extra enzymes are required by your body.

You must supplement your enzymes. The medical profession tells us that all disease is due to a lack or imbalance of enzymes.

Our very lives depend on enzymes particularly when you have any sort of inflammation in your body.

Research has known for years that enzymes are effective in aiding the body to properly use the nutrients provided in food and other supplements.

This is particularly helpful with regard to proper digestion.  Equally as important, but not nearly as well know, is the fact that enzymes play a critical role in promoting healthy joints and a healthy response to body inflammation such as all forms of the over 100 types of arthritis.

Research shows that, in addition to other factors, joint pain stems from undigested proteins and fats which form uric acid crystals that get "caught" in joints. 

Enzymes stimulate the healthy production of cytokines that stop inflammation.  They also aid the body in cleaning up undigested food, debris, swollen joints and tissues.

By helping keep the body free from inflammation, natural healing and normal joint health can be achieved.

A body of physical labor can really take it toll on a body.  Any of the NAIDS harm the body.  Joint challenges that drugs can cover up, can be aided with the proper enzymes. 

TRILLIONS of cells work constantly to maintain an acceptable balance of enzymes to keep the body working.  Then something happens…could be a virus, strenuous exercise, an emotional crisis, breathing unclean air, staging a temper tantrum or eating a fat-laden meal.

Then the balance of enzymes is depleted.  The solution is to make a daily intake of enzymes.

Plant enzymes in liquid form will save your digestive process, fortify your tissues, and fuel the metabolic enzyme activity that keeps you alive and functional.

Unfortunately seating some raw fruits and vegetables will not provide an adequate amount as they only contain enough enzymes to digest their own particles. 


Did you know that in the time it takes you to read this sentence over 10 MILLION cells just died!

There are at least 1 HUNDRED TRILLION cells at work in your body right now!  It takes 13 hundred enzymes to make one cell.

It takes 28 hundred enzymes for the life process to take place. And this all comes from our food.  Are you eating foodless foods?  Most of us are.  I was.  I am not now.

There are 45 nutrients in their proper amounts derived from the food we eat are needed nourish each and every cell. 

These are:

19 minerals, in prescribed amounts
13 vitamins
9 amino acids
1 fat
1 water
1 carbohydrate

But getting those everyday you have just made billions of red blood cells.  With the liquid supplement I take I get over 200 vitamins, minerals and enzymes.

As Linus Pauling, a 2 time winner of the Nobel Peace prize, said "Every ailment, every disease, every sickness can be traced to a mineral deficiency."

And the JAMA, the Journal of American Association, in its June 2002 issue said…

"Most people do not get an optimal amount of nutrients by diet alone… and sub-optimal intakes of nutrients are associated with increased risks of chronic diseases including but not limited to cardiovascular disease… cancer and osteoporosis."

Does the body really need to have its immune system strengthened or rebuilt?  Absolutely and done as soon as possible.

First steps to take would be to avoid food and water containing agricultural chemicals, as well as limit sugar which stress our pancreas, kidneys and liver.

We can add regular exercise… three times a week… for at least 20 to 30 minutes.  And make sure you only think positive thoughts.

Everyone can improve their health.

Best of Health,

Margie Garrison

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Ten Easy Ways To Stress Proof Yourself
By Lee Heather

Stress is now the number one reason behind sickness from work and more than 70% of working adults have experienced stress at work in the past year according to the Gee Publishing Survey of 2006. Whether or not these statistics are true one thing is certain, we cannot expect our employers to provide everything we need to reduce or manage our stress. They are far too busy themselves.

So with this in mind lets look at some simple ways to reduce your stress levels.

1) One of the main ingredients in any stress management program simply must be a relaxation regime. There are many simple easy to learn techniques to relax your body, some are better than others. Progressive relaxation is probably one of the more well known ones. Taking time out even if only for fifteen minutes a day to relax and wind down is a definite.

2) At work it is so easy to start slipping into the habit of taking on too many tasks. Streamline what you do by really asking yourself why you are there. what are the three most important things you are there for in your role. You should concentrate on these top piorities and learn to shed anything else. You may have to be a bit ruthless with yourself but you will gain hugely from this one exercise.

3) Make sure every once in a while you reassess your life values to stay on top of what is important to you then you only have to revolve your life around the things that are truly important to you and again other things that took up a lot of your time and attention will just fall away.

4) Every now and again go to assertion skills training and rediscover the your personal power. Taking time to reclaim our personal power rid sus of so much stress you wont believe it. sometimes you just have to say no and it is OK to do that. If you have problems doing this your stress will rise so assertion skills are the key.

5) Delegate tasks you hate if possible or ones that cause you particular stress. hey, these days virtual assistants can take a lot of bothersome chores off your hands and they are cheaper than you think. a good one for the self-employed by the way.

6) Keep a reasonable fitness level. this is the one thing along with a relaxation regime that can really do huge amounts to stress proof you and is borne out by much research. Added benefits are better quality of sleep.

7) Establish and maintain good social contact. Research shows that people who have at least two good friends resist stress more than others who are more reclusive in nature. If you have social anxiety which prevents you from increasing social contact see a psychologist or therapist for help with this.

8) Get a pet, even if its a cat who you may not see all the time. again research points to the fact that people with pets not only live longer but are less stressed than people without pets.

9) Improve your time management skills. We all need to lessons in this area. A basic but effective form of time management is to categorize tasks into important things and urgent things. Important things are the ones you give your best time and thinking too because they will ultimately have a longer term impact than urgent things which will be short term usually and could be delegated or sometimes even automated like using auto-responders on the internet to remind people of appointments or schedules.

10) Take some time to improve your relationship. If its great already do something romantic together. Better bonding in relationships is one of the best ways to stress proof yourself. go to a workshop together and improve things even more, its a real recipe for increased happiness and a stronger immune system.

Of all the above keeping fit and learning an effective relaxation method will do wonders for your stress levels.

Author Resource: Lee James Heather is a therapist specializing in stress and anxiety management. He teaches clients how to switch off the brain stress centers for profound relaxation.

The most Powerful Relaxation technique

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It’s What You Eat – Not What You Don’t Eat That Matters Most in Weight Loss: Some Dos and Don’ts for Long Term Dieting Success
By Joel Kaye, MA

The saying goes, “You are what you eat.” It doesn’t say, “You are what you DON’T eat.” That is because health, nutrition, and yes, dieting are as much about what you do eat than what you don’t eat. Sure, there are some foods that are sure to make you fat. But did you know there are many more foods that work with your body to make you thin? By reducing the amount of or eliminating only the worse food choices, and adding foods that support weight loss, you can achieve lasting weight loss success.

Let’s start first with the “Don’t” list since some of it is just plain common sense.

Other items on this list may surprise you, though. Here are the foods to avoid:

  1. Simple sugar. This is your store-bought, shrink-wrapped kind of “treat.” It’s the snack cakes and candy bars that provide zero nutritional value yet are packed with refined white sugar and other versions of sweeteners that spike blood sugar, only to leave you feeling deflated soon after consuming them.

  1. White flour. This is bleached to make it white. What that does is remove all the nutrients, so then the processors have to “enrich” it with vitamins to make it resemble a food. By doing this, it has the same basic effect on the body as white sugar.

  1. Milk. Cow’s milk is for cows. Human babies should have human milk until they are at least a year old, and then they no longer have a need for milk. Milk is thought to be nutritious because of the calcium, and vitamin D (which by the way is added when they fortify it). The nutritious qualities of milk are not enough to outweigh the fact that most people are lactose intolerant to some degree and don’t even realize it. The nutrients found in dairy products are there because of what the cows consume – leafy greens!

Now here is the “Do” list.

Adding these foods to your diet will help you curb your appetite naturally by staying more satisfied for longer and by speeding up your metabolism.

  1. Whole grains. Wheat, oats, and barely are forms of whole grains. The problem is that processing done to store-bought foods usually alters these. As the market demand for more nutritious choices has taken hold, more foods contain ingredients in whole form. Look for food labels that list “whole wheat flour” instead of just “wheat flour.” The difference is in how in-tact the wheat grain is in the finish food.

  1. Eat the good kinds of carbohydrates. High fiber fruits should be one of your top carbohydrate sources. These include blueberries, grapes, and strawberries. The fiber and antioxidant properties of these foods help boost the immune system. They will also satisfy the craving for sweets, making it less likely that you will turn to the snack foods.

  1. Drink water. It cannot be emphasized enough that water is one of the easiest ways to aid in weight loss and is so essential to good health that a lack of enough water will eventually kill you. Slow and sustained dehydration that results in a break down of organ tissue is the prognosis of not drinking enough water. The positive effects of plenty of water are that it builds muscle tissue, which then increases metabolism. It also rids the body of toxins that can result from eating too much protein or other unhealthy foods. About 2 quarts of water every day is one way to achieve long-term weight loss.

The dos and don'ts of dieting will always be debated by the fads and trends of the day. Sound nutrition and moderation has to be applied for long term success.

Joel Kaye holds a Masters Degree in Physical Health Education and he is currently teaching classes at the prestigious New York University's Coles Sports Center On Weight Management, Nutrition And Exercise And Cancer Wellness. Find out how to achieve optimal health at:


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Completing Your Past
By Dr. Joe Rubino

Does the following scenario remind you of anyone?

Sue was totally in love with Jim. The couple met in high school and dated for eight years. Everyone who knew them expected them to get married and live happily ever after together. Then Jim met Karen. Before anyone knew what was happening - including Sue - Jim had eloped with Karen, putting an end to all of Sue's dreams and expectations.

Sue was devastated. All she could think about was Jim and how she had been cheated out of a happy and secure lifetime with him.

She attempted to date other guys but no one could compare to Jim in her eyes. Sue spent her days feeling sorry for herself and dreaming that one-day, Jim would return to her.

After many years, Sue finally married another man. However, he could not measure up to Sue's memory of Jim. As a result, Sue's marriage was an unhappy one in which she never was able to give her all to her husband. After a number of unhappy years, her husband left Sue as well.

Sue lived out the remaining years of her life lonely, embittered and righteously indignant about how she had been wronged.

It is impossible to be totally present to life, living full out in the moment, if we are incomplete with our past. Instead of welcoming each new experience with a fresh perspective, we become bogged down in the baggage from previously unresolved issues. These issues steal our life energy and diminish of self-esteem.

All too often, when something does not work out as we had hoped, we worry about or re-live the event over and over again. Maintaining our focus on the past distracts and confuses us, draining our energy. With less energy to focus on making the present an exciting passionate adventure, we slip into resignation and begin to see ourselves as limited, ineffective, unworthy, and even unlovable.

The future presents us with an opportunity to complete the past. When we do so, people and events no longer possess an emotional charge. Communicating responsibly with the appropriate people and releasing any remaining opinions, feelings, upsets or emotions until there is nothing left to say is the access to clearing all residue that may interfere with moving on in life. When there is nothing left to say or do and you are void of further energy around an incomplete incident, you can start anew.

Completion is a declaration you make that you are satisfied for now and ready to move on to what's next. When you are complete, you no longer feel the need to change, worry or fix something in your past. Your focus can rightfully be placed on your present actions and situation as you design a compelling future deliberately.

There is value in declaring yourself complete at the end of each day. This declaration allows you to recognize your accomplishments for the day putting your mind at rest so that you can start fresh the next day. When you are complete, you experience a new vitality and aliveness. There is a special sense of certainty and excitement that allows you to be most productive and present for whatever project or opportunity is next. However, most of the time we never quite reach that level of freedom due to our reluctance to communicate all there is to say in order to put it all behind us.
Do not confuse completion with being finished or with quitting. Being finished means you are done with doing whatever it is you've finished. Quitting is about your decision to stop what you are doing whether you are finished or not. There are times when quitting does not support you if you are quitting for the wrong reason. For example, you quit because you cannot be with an interpretation of failing or perhaps, because you are unwilling to take responsibility for communicating what is so for you in the appropriate manner.

Although there is little room in our society for quitters, there is no dishonor in quitting if you are clear about the consequences of your decision and staying at it no longer serves you. All there is to do is simply tell the truth - and go on to whatever is next for you.


  1. Make a list of all those people with whom you are still angry or have an existing challenge or incompletion.
  2. Within the next 30 days, complete with everyone on your list. For those who are deceased or unreachable, write a completion letter saying everything you need to say in order to be complete. 
  3. For every interaction or situation you experience daily, ask yourself if you are complete, satisfied and fulfilled. Is there anything left to say or do that would allow you to put any incompletions behind you?
  4. As you declare each situation complete, look to see what action, project or area of research is next for you.
  5. Identify any areas where you have quit. Have you told the truth and completed with your decision to quit? Is there anything left to do or say to anyone about it?

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Chlorella - A Potent Microalgae Superfood That Packs a Powerful Punch Against Disease
By Consumer Health Advocate, Frank Mangano

Chlorella is a type of single-cell green algae. Within chlorella are high levels of chlorophyll, protein, iron, vitamins C and B12, beta carotene, and 19 amino acids.

Several studies show that chlorella may be effective in treating some types of cancer, high cholesterol, hypertension (high blood pressure) and fibromyalgia syndrome. It is also an immune system enhancer and it can aid the body in detoxifying itself.

Several scientific studies have shown chlorella's ability to combat cancer cells. The method in which it does so however, still remains a mystery. One theory among experts is that chlorella stimulates the activity of T-cells, which play a key role in antibody immunity as well as large cells called macrophages which shield the body from infection by removing waste products, harmful microorganisms, and other toxins from the bloodstream. Interferon is a protein produced by the body that performs antiviral and antitumor activities. When T-cell and macrophage production is increased, interferon levels in the body are also increased. This process enhances the immune system's ability to combat harmful substances like viruses and bacteria.

Studies in laboratory animals suggest some substances in chlorella may reduce bone marrow suppression in patients taking the anticancer drug fluorouracil. As a result, white blood cell and platelet counts are increased which reduces the risk of infection and bleeding.

Other studies have shown chlorella to reduce cholesterol levels significantly in laboratory animals. Studies are currently taking place to see if the same is true in humans.

A study reported in the March 2003 issue of Original Internist showed that treatment with 10 grams of chlorella every day daily for three months significantly improved blood pressure in 25% of the patients involved in the study.

A study in the year 2000 showed chlorella to be beneficial in treating patients with fibromyalgia after just two months of taking it.

You can find chlorella in a number of different forms including capsule, softgel, powder, tablet and liquid. It is available by itself or combined with other green food extracts such as wheat grass, barley grass, and spirulina which are all great as well.

The company Vibrant Health offers a high quality chlorella supplement. While there is no standard dosage, shoot for 3 grams (g) per day.

* Important note: The recommended doses are for those over age 18. Always check herb and vitamin use with your child’s health care practitioner prior to administering them.

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Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS)

What is Restless Legs Syndrome?

Restless Leg Syndrome is a neurological disorder that causes unpleasant sensations in the legs with an uncontrollable urge to move when at rest. The sensations range in severity from uncomfortable to irritating to painful.

RLS symptoms are usually activated by lying down and while in a relaxed state making it difficult to sleep or stay asleep.

The exact cause of restless legs syndrome is not known at this time.  However there is evidence that it could be hereditary. People with genetic RLS tend to be younger when symptoms start and have a slower progression of the condition.

It is not yet known for sure, but is believed that people with low iron levels, anemia, kidney failure, diabetes, Parkinson's disease, and peripheral neuropathy are more prone to RLS.

Pregnant women may experience RLS, especially in their last trimester. Usually symptoms disappear within 4 weeks after delivery.

RLS may start at any age, including early childhood, and is a progressive disease for many that are afflicted, it is possible the symptoms can disappear permanently.

The most distinctive characteristic of this condition is symptoms occur or worsen when you are lying down, sitting, resting or relaxing for long periods of time. You may often feel an uncontrollable urge to get up and move around.

RLS is more common in women then in men and while RLS can start at any age, it usually affects the middle-aged or elderly. 

The severity seems to increases with age, older patients experience symptoms more frequently and for longer periods of time.
It is estimated that RLS affects more than 12 million people in the United States alone.

Restless legs syndrome can be difficult to diagnose. Without laboratory test available to pinpoint it, RLS can only be clinically diagnosed by checking your health, symptoms and family history.

It seems that many people suffering with RLS do not discuss the symptoms with their doctor.  Because the sufferer has; never heard of RLS or explaining the symptoms are very difficult to describe.

Restless Legs Syndrome can be further divided into two categories primary or secondary.

Primary RLS is considered idiopathic, meaning that the cause is unknown. Primary RLS usually begins before approximately 40 to 45 years of age, and can even occur as early as the first year of life.  In primary RLS, the onset is often slow and even disappear for months or even years. But they usually return.  Primary RLS is progressive, which means it generally gets worse with age.  RLS in children is often misdiagnosed as growing pains.

Secondary RLS is symptomatic, which is to say that the underlying problem of restless legs is thought to be secondary to, or caused by, a primary disorder such as anemia, or physical condition like pregnancy.  Secondary RLS often has a sudden onset and may be daily from the very beginning. It often occurs after the age of 40, however it can occur earlier. It is most associated with specific medical conditions or the use of certain drugs.

Treating the restless legs, in the case of secondary RLS, often means treating the underlying condition. Some studies show that there is a genetic component as well, indicating that the disorder may be hereditary.

Symptoms of Restless Legs Syndrome

Restless legs syndrome (RLS) is defined as substantial discomfort in the legs that occurs only at rest and is immediately relieved by movement. The abnormal feelings typically seem deep and are always present below the knees.

Patients with RLS tend to fidget or move their legs in bed for relief. Sometimes the symptoms are so severe that the patient is forced to get out of bed and pace the room.

Symptoms usually occur deep inside the leg, between the knee and ankle; more rarely, they occur in the feet, thighs, arms, and hands with the urge to move, usually due to uncomfortable sensations that occur.

The sensation and the urges can effect any body part; the most common location is the legs, followed by arms. Some people have little or no sensation but still have a strong urge to move.

The sensations are unusual and unlike other common sensations.   While an RLS sufferer may find it hard to discribe the sensations to a non-sufferer, someone with RLS can perfectly understand the indescribable nature of the unpleasant sensations.  These sensations are sometimes described as, burning, creeping, tugging or feel as if insects are crawling inside the legs, uncomfortable, antsy, electrical, painful, itching, pins and needles, pulling, creepy-crawly and many others.

This kind of abnormal sensation is known as Paresthesia or Dysesthesias which means unpleasant abnormal sensations. The sensations range in severity from uncomfortable to irritating to painful.

The symptoms worsen by relaxation.  Any type of inactivity involving sitting or lying, reading a book, a plane ride, watching TV or a movie, taking a nap the inactive situations can trigger the sensations and urge to move. This depends on several factors: the severity of the person's RLS, the degree of restfulness, the duration of the inactivity, etc.

Variability over the course of the day-night cycle, with symptoms worse in the evening and early in the night.

Symptoms are usually less noticeable during the day and more pronounced in the evening or at night.  Some experience symptoms throughout the day and night, especially at the onset of sleep. For many, the symptoms disappear by early morning.

Because moving the legs (or other affected parts of the body) relieves the discomfort, people with RLS often keep their legs in motion to minimize or prevent the sensations. They may pace the floor, constantly move their legs while sitting, and toss and turn in bed.

Movement may bring temporary relief to those with RLS, but finding any possible underlying cause and treating the associated medical condition may be more effective at eliminating or reducing the symptoms of RLS.

Some people also have problems concentrating and have impaired memory, insomnia and extreme fatigue that may interfere with daily functioning due to the sleeping patterns that are severely disrupted by RLS.  It is important not to ignore these symptoms.

Treatment is usually based on correcting the disorder that is causing RLS. Often when the cause is not found, pain killers, sedatives or anticonvulsant are prescribed which can be addictive and have adverse side-effects.

Check for Underlying Causes

RLS can be a symptom of another disorder. People who suffer from depression, hypertension, ADHD, gastro-reflux disease and diabetes suffer higher incidents of RLS.

How do I know if I have Restless Leg Syndrome?

Ask yourself these questions:

  • Do I have urges to move my legs, arms or other parts of my body?
  • Do I have uncomfortable and unpleasant sensations in my legs?
  • Do my urges to move or unpleasant sensations begin or worsen during periods of inactivity, such as lying or sitting?
  • Do I have any kind of relief when I walk or stretch?
  • Are my urges to move or my unpleasant sensations worse during the evening or night than they are during the day?

Diagnosis of RLS is predominantly based on signs and symptoms. However, your doctor may order some blood tests to rule out other causes of such symptoms. These may include blood counts, kidney and liver functions, thyroid tests or vitamin levels.

What you can do to relieve and/or eliminate RLS

The methods below can be helpful if you don't want to take medication or if medication is not helping.


Exercise helps to release endorphins in the blood thereby changing the chemical balance in the brain and providing more sound restful sleep.

A moderate amount of exercise every day reduces stress and other conditions that contribute to RLS. Stretch throughout the day and take a brisk walk in the afternoon or before dinner.

Remember that you should not over-do-it when exercising, this may cause more harm than not exercising at all.

Walking is most common exercise.

Stretching, yoga, biking, or other physical activity may relieve the symptoms just as well as walking.

Yoga, meditation, and massaging, are all natural ways to cure or reduce symptoms of RSL.

Movement usually brings immediate relief, but it is often only temporary and partial.

Sometimes a specific type of movement will help one person more than another.

Because the symptoms of RLS are especially worse at night, try walking or exercising before going to bed.  You may find that just taking a short walk around your house before going to bed to be helpful.

Deep knee bends and other leg exercises during the day and again near bedtime also proves to be helpful.


Try to lower your stress levels, stress can cause worsening of the symptoms. Relaxation techniques like yoga, meditation may help to reduce stress levels significantly.

Some doctors think that RLS is caused by or exacerbated by high levels of stress. If you're stressed, take up yoga or aroma therapy to help you relax.

When you experience this condition, it is important to ensure that keep tabs on your stress levels throughout the day.

It has been discovered that RLS suffers with high levels of stress are more likely to suffer from uncomfortable symptoms.

There are many different ways that you can manage and cope with stress each day. Relaxation techniques, such as breathing exercises, yoga, and even listening to soothing music may prove to be effective.


Get plenty of rest.  RLS may be worse if the sufferer isn't getting enough rest. Try to get at least 8 hours of sleep each night.

Sleeping positions - Experiment different sleeping positions and see which is more comfortable for you.

For some, sleeping only in one position can develop more symptoms.

Good sleep includes getting enough sleep, but it also includes going to bed at the same time and getting up at the same time daily. These sleep patterns can help people to get the most out of their sleep.

Get plenty of rest, symptoms of RLS can become worse if you are overactive.

Try kava kava and valerian supplements, as they promote healthy sleep and calm nerves.


Take your vitamins. A lot of cases of RLS are caused by a deficiency of iron, B6, or magnesium. Taking a common high-quality multivitamin can fix this.

Iron deficiency has been known to contribute to the symptoms of RLS. By adding more iron into your diet, you may find that your condition can be decreased or eliminated. This can be done through eating more iron-rich food or through taking iron supplements.

Other vitamins and minerals including calcium, magnesium, and zinc can also be added to the diet to naturally help with the symptoms of RLS. Although multivitamin supplements can help, getting them from real food is more beneficial.

Vitamin Deficiencies

If you're RLS is due to iron deficiency or folate deficiency make sure to take a multi-vitamin supplement as suggested by your specialist.

Folate is a water-soluble B vitamin that occurs naturally in food.

Take supplements to correct iron, folate and magnesium deficiencies. A quarter of RLS patients have low serum iron levels. Vitamin C and 400 IUs of Vitamin E daily day can curb instances of RLS.

Other Things You Can Try

Soak your leg in cold or hot water (not ice water as it can cause sever damage to the nerves and not too hot as to burn yourself) it provides relief for many people.

Some people have found that heating pads or ice packs helpful in reducing pain.

Acupuncture can be used to help to relieve the symptoms of RLS.

Chiropractors can recommend exercises that will help symptoms of RLS.  By strengthening your pelvic muscles it will help relieve pain associated  with RLS.

Massage your legs before bedtime.

If you find that you often experience anxious muscles when you lay down to go to sleep, take a warm bath prior to bedtime. This can help to relax and soothe muscles and other symptoms such as stress that may be associated with RLS.

Soaking in a hot bath using oatmeal, lavender or chamomile powders or salts helps to relieve stress.

Place a bar of soap under your fitted sheet - at calf-level. Nobody is sure why this works, but thousands have reported a complete halt in their RLS symptoms when doing this.

What Not To Do

One area to look at when searching for natural cures for RLS is the elimination of substances that could be causing the condition.

Caffeine, alcohol, and tobacco have also been linked to RLS.

Avoid coffee, cola, black tea and energy drinks containing taurine, caffeine or chocolate. The stimulating properties of these foods and beverages cause restlessness and insomnia.

Eliminate stimulants from your diet. Caffeine (including chocolate) seems to worsen symptoms of RLS, so if you experience the symptoms, you need to stop drinking coffee, tea, and sodas.

Caffeine can make people jittery. This can worsen the symptoms of RLS. By eliminating caffeine or at least reducing your intake of it, your RLS symptoms can be eliminated or at least reduced. Alcohol and tobacco elimination can also help people to reduce their symptoms.

Stop drinking alcohol. It's believed that alcohol worsens RLS symptoms, so cutting it out of your life will benefit you on several levels.

Quit smoking - it works for many as it is believed smoking may impair the blood flow to the leg muscles.

Try to reduce or eliminate these things to determine if they maybe a trigger for your symptoms.


Eat a balanced diet.

Don't have a fatty or a large meal late at night as this may trigger the symptoms.

Massage your leg with certain aromatherapy oils or just run a vibrator over them for relief.

You need a balance of proteins, vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and healthy fats.

Medications (prescribed and/or over the counter)

It is important to evaluate the medications that you purchase over-the-counter. Many of these medicines contain high amounts of caffeine and other ingredients that can actually trigger the onset of RLS symptoms.

It is also suggested medications-such as anti nausea drugs (prochlorperazine or metoclopramide), anti seizure drugs (phenytoin or droperidol), anti psychotic drugs (haloperidol or phenothiazine derivatives), and some cold and allergy medications may aggravate symptoms.

If you take any of these medications and suspect RLS you should speak to your doctor about changing your medication.

If you do find that your medication contains ingredients that can result in active muscles, it is important that you attempt to find a safer alternative.

Drugs -  Warning!!!

There are different medications being used for the symptoms of RLS.

I hope people will try natural cures for RLS rather then using prescription drugs. 

Here are two good reason why...

The two common drugs used for RLS are Requip and Mirapex. The side effects vary from one individual to the other, as well as the dose that has been administered.

The use and possible side effects listed below is information from Requip and Mirapex.


Requip helps relieve the signs and symptoms of Parkinson's disease. Caused by a deficit of dopamine (one of the brain's chief chemical messengers), this disorder is marked by progressive muscle stiffness, tremor, and fatigue. Requip is also used to relieve symptoms of restless legs syndrome. It works by stimulating dopamine receptors in the brain, thus promoting better, easier movement.

Unusual urges: Some patients taking REQUIP or REQUIP XL get urges to behave in a way unusual for them. Examples of this are an unusual urge to gamble or increased sexual urges and behaviors. If you notice or your family notices that you are developing any unusual behaviors, talk to your healthcare provider.

What are the possible side effects of Requip?

  • Most people who take REQUIP tolerate it well. The most commonly reported side effects in people taking REQUIP for RLS are nausea, vomiting, dizziness, and drowsiness or sleepiness. You should be careful until you know if REQUIP affects your ability to remain alert while doing normal daily activities, and you should watch for the development of significant daytime sleepiness or episodes of falling asleep. It is possible that you could fall asleep while doing normal activities such as driving a car, doing physical tasks, or using hazardous machinery while taking REQUIP. Your chances of falling asleep while doing normal activities while taking REQUIP are greater if you are taking other medicines that cause drowsiness.

  • When you start taking REQUIP or when you increase your dose, you may feel dizzy, nauseated, sweaty or faint, when first standing up from sitting or lying down. Therefore, do not stand up quickly after sitting or lying down, particularly if you have been sitting or lying down for a long period of time. Take a minute sitting on the edge of the bed or chair before you get up.

  • Hallucinations (unreal sounds, visions, or sensations) have been reported in patients taking REQUIP. These were uncommon in patients taking REQUIP for RLS. The risk is greater in patients with Parkinson's disease who are elderly, taking REQUIP with L-dopa, or taking higher doses of REQUIP than recommended for RLS.

Some patients taking REQUIP get urges to behave in a way unusual for them. Examples of this are an unusual urge to gamble or increased sexual urges and behaviors. If you notice or your family notices that you are developing any unusual behaviors, talk to your healthcare provider.

This is not a complete list of side effects and should not take the place of discussions with your healthcare providers. Your doctor or pharmacist can give you a more complete list of possible side effects.

Call your healthcare provider for medical advice about side effects.

Also found this information about Requip from another source: 

If Requip is taken with certain other drugs, the effects of either can be increased, decreased, or altered. It is especially important to check with your doctor before combining Requip with the following:

Benzodiazepines such as alprazolam
Certain antidepressants
Drugs that contain levodopa
Estrogen medications such as ethinyl estradiol


Important Information about MIRAPEX:

MIRAPEX is indicated for the treatment of moderate-to-severe primary Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS).

MIRAPEX may cause you to fall asleep without any warning, even while doing normal daily activities, such as driving.

Before taking MIRAPEX, talk to your doctor if you drink alcohol or take other medications that make you drowsy as these can increase the chance that MIRAPEX will make you feel sleepy or fall asleep when you should be awake.

When taking MIRAPEX, hallucinations (seeing, hearing, feeling, or tasting something that isn't there) may occur and you may sometimes feel dizzy, nauseated, faint or sweaty when you sit up or stand quickly. In clinical trials for RLS, the most commonly reported side effects of MIRAPEX that were more frequent than with placebo are nausea, headache, and tiredness. Talk to your doctor if you experience any of these symptoms.

There have been reports of impulse control disorders and compulsive behaviors in patients taking certain medicines, including MIRAPEX. If you or your family members notice that you are experiencing new or increased gambling urges, increased sexual urges or other intense urges, such as compulsive shopping or eating, while taking MIRAPEX, talk to your doctor.

This information is intended for U.S. residents only. Products discussed herein may have different labeling in different countries.

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Natural Remedies for Depression
by Charlotte Sneddon

Are You Feeling Depressed?

Find out more about natural remedies for depression. Discover herbs, diet and lifestyle changes and holistic remedies that can make a difference.

Depression is becoming a common problem in the modern world. Is this because of increasing stresses, strains and unhappiness with life? Certainly, modern life is harsh, hard and does get many people down. It is very normal to have periods of sadness after certain life events, such as divorce, death, illness, loss of a job etc – this is perfectly natural.

Sometimes though, these periods of sadness can become too intense to cope with, or can linger far too long. This can be called ‘Depression’.
Sometimes Depression has little to do with an unhappy life event, but creeps up on us with no obvious reason.

You should always consult your doctor if you have severe on prolonged periods of unhappy or depressed feelings, particularly if you find yourself
contemplating suicide. Antidepressants do not always have to be the answer though – most conventional doctors themselves will recognise that while antidepressants do have their place in the treatment of depression, they are not the only option at all.

Natural remedies for depression can be equally as effective as antidepressants, and have the benefit of a lack of unpleasant side effects. There are lots of different natural health remedies you can try for depression, from herbal treatments, to lifestyle and diet changes.

The best known herb for depression is St John’s Wort. This is often nick-named ‘The Sunshine Herb’ as it seems to restore a ‘sunny’ disposition and outlook on life. It is particularly useful where depression is caused by a lack of sunlight in the winter months – called S.A.D. (Seasonal Affective Disorder). St John’s Wort can also help where depression occurs with insomnia.

St John’s Wort is actually recognised for official use to treat depression in Germany, and is claimed to be effective against 70% of cases of mild to moderate depression. This is as effective, if not more effective, than conventional antidepressant treatments. Always consult your doctor before taking this herb, as there are several conditions and medications it should not be mixed with, particularly prescribed antidepressants.

As well as herbal treatments, there are lifestyle and diet changes you can make. These should help you recover from periods of depression, and should help keep depression away in the future. The usual suspects for an unhealthy diet should be avoided, namely; alcohol, nicotine, sugar, fatty foods, salt, processed foods. Instead a general healthy diet should be followed, with lots of fresh fruits and veg, wholegrains and oily fish such as salmon or mackerel.

One very helpful foodstuff against depression is chocolate … but before you hit the candies, note that it must be dark chocolate, with over 70% cocoa content, to help raise serotonin levels in the brain.

A regular exercise program may not sound very technical, but it has been proven to help against depression. Don’t worry, as your exercise program needn’t be too onerous. You should start gently, at a level appropriate for your own fitness level, and gradually work up to around 30-40 minutes of moderate exercise, between 3-5 times per week. This can be something as simple as walking. Walking in the countryside, at the beach or in a park, amongst nature, can really help with the depression-busting benefits of exercise.

Herbs, diet and lifestyle are not your only options for beating depression. There are plenty of other holistic remedies that can give great benefit to sufferers of depression. For the most part, the one you choose will depend on your own personal preferences and personality. Choose from treatments such as acupuncture, meditation, hypnosis and visualization, flower remedies, color and light therapy, inversion therapy and more.

If you think you might be feeling depressed you should certainly consult your doctor, and continue taking any prescribed antidepressants, but do be aware that there is much you can do to help yourself with natural remedies for depression. Under the guidance of your doctor you can gradually switch from antidepressants to all natural health remedies, and feel better, and happier.

Learn more about these (and more) natural remedies for depression, and take the decision to change your life and make yourself happy and for more information visit: Natural Health Remedies Guide

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Why Cancer Cures Don't Work (and what does)
By Madison Cavanaugh

Cancer has become the biggest threat to human lives, and has caused more deaths than all the wars of the world combined. In the U.S. alone, every 60 seconds, someone dies from cancer -- and that's equivalent to losing the number of people we lost on September 11 every 2 days. That's over half a million deaths per year!

Here's another grim statistic: Every 3 minutes, someone new is diagnosed with cancer.

Is it any wonder, then, that celebrities like Jennifer Aniston, Halle Berry, America Ferrera, Meryl Streep, Lance Armstrong, Scarlett Johansson, Forest Whitaker, Hilary Swank, Charlize Theron and dozens of other big-name celebrities joined forces to put an end to cancer during a one-hour television special titled Stand Up 2 Cancer? The telethon aired on September 5, 2008 on all 3 networks (ABC, CBS and NBC) and has raised over $100 million for cancer research.

The problem with raising funds for cancer research is this:

The funds eventually go towards cancer research that does NOT cure cancer. In the 95 years that health organizations like the American Cancer Society have been dedicated to eliminating cancer as a major health problem, there has been VERY LITTLE PROGRESS made in the curing of the deadly disease. Even though we've been hearing for decades that cancer research is "on the brink of finding a cure" for the dreaded disease, the incidence of cancer has grown exponentially over the last 50 years.

It's interesting to note that the annual budget of the National Cancer Institute is already about $6 billion (source: New York Times) -- and billions more have been raised by all the cancer fundraising campaigns combined. If a cure hasn't been found after all that spending -- and instead there's still a 41% probability that an individual, male or female, will develop cancer in his lifetime, or die from it (according to the American Cancer Society) -- cancer research is obviously on the wrong track, isn't it?

Why have all the billions of dollars raised for cancer research been futile in curing cancer?

Curing cancer is just a matter of identifying the CAUSE of disease -- and getting rid of that cause. But unfortunately, all the current research is focused on the wrong CAUSE of the disease. What complicates the process of curing cancer is that everybody has a different opinion as to what its cause is.

Some say it's caused by viruses. Others say it’s the toxins in the food we eat, the air we breathe and the substances we consume. Still, others say it’s our genes that make us susceptible to acquiring one disease or another. And then, of course, there are those that believe that the “mother” of all diseases is stress.

Which of the above do you think is the correct answer?

If you picked one or more of the 5 causes of disease listed above, your answer is incorrect. While all of the above do *characterize* most diseases, or might be precursors or by-products of disease, they do not CAUSE disease.

For example, viruses, microbes, germs and harmful bacteria do NOT cause disease. They do “seek their natural habitat -- diseased tissue -- rather than being the cause of the diseased tissue; e.g., mosquitoes seek the stagnant water, but do not cause the pool to become stagnant.”

This is according to the famed “Father of Pathology,” Dr. Rudolf Virchow. Likewise, germs, bacteria, viruses and pathogens do not cause disease, but rather seek out environments where they can thrive best – and that is in oxygen-deprived bodies.

Neither do toxins, genes and stress cause disease. Rather, they bring about a condition in the body (oxygen deficiency) that, in turn, causes disease.

Clearly, the primary physical cause of all diseases is linked in one way or another to oxygen deficiency, and it stands to reason that supplying the body with sufficient levels of oxygen, which is the body's most essential element (without which humans die) is the key to preventing and curing diseases. Two-time Nobel Prize-winning doctor, Otto Warburg, shocked the world when he revealed that most disease is caused by insufficient levels of oxygen in the body.

The problem is that most humans are NOT able to get proper amounts of oxygen in their cells and tissues -- due partly to poor air quality, poor breathing habits and oxygen-depleting activities. More importantly, the human body is NOT always able to deliver oxygen to the cells and tissues.

In order for oxygen to eradicate disease, it must be delivered not just to the lungs -- and not just to the bloodstream -- but to the cells and tissues of the body. That's why other oxygen-based therapies -- such as oxygenated water, oxygen-rich foods or supplements, or treatments that release oxygen into the bloodstream -- are not always effective in treating disease. While they may supply the body with oxygen, they don't always have an efficient mechanism for breaking the oxygen free from the hemoglobin molecule, which means the oxygen is not delivered to the cells and tissues. Such oxygen-based therapies, therefore, are seldom effective in preventing and curing disease.

The secret, then, to curing not only cancer but virtually all diseases is by stimulating the movement of oxygen atoms from the bloodstream to the cells. There is a naturally occurring oxygenating substance which effectively accomplishes this by increasing oxygen and hemoglobin disassociation, thereby maximizing the delivery of oxygen from the blood to the cells. This oxygenating substance has been used by doctors to treat not just cancer, but also other life-threatening diseases like AIDS. Although the substance is not available at drugstores, health food stores, and other retail establishments yet, it is fairly easy to find sources of it if one knows where to look.

If all the funds raised for cancer research were dedicated to putting this simple therapy in the hands of every man and woman on the planet, we could not only stamp out cancer altogether but also have a world that is free of disease.

Madison Cavanaugh is the author of The One-Minute Cure: The Secret to Healing Virtually All Diseases, which reveals a remarkable, scientifically proven natural therapy that creates an oxygenated environment within the body where disease cannot thrive, thus enabling the body to cure itself of disease. Over 6,100 articles in European scientific literature have attested to the effectiveness of this safe, inexpensive and powerful healing modality, and over 15,000 European doctors, naturopaths and homeopaths have recommended this self-administered, one-minute treatment to more than 10 million patients in the past 70 years to successfully treat cancer, AIDS, heart disease, diabetes, Alzheimer's Disease, Parkinson's Disease, hepatitis, multiple sclerosis, herpes, Rheumatoid Arthritis, asthma and most other diseases.

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Put your Mind & Body on "Autopilot" and reach your goals...automatically!
By, Dan Robey

Did you know that habits are incredibly powerful tools for personal growth and success?

Think about the habits you have now and how they affect virtually every aspect of your life. Your weight and health are determined by your eating habits. Your relationships with people are determined by your social habits. Your success at work is determined by your work habits. You have sleeping habits that dictate how well you sleep. You have sexual habits. You even have buying habits; just take a look around your house and you will quickly see them. Our character, health and virtually every aspect of our lives are indeed determined by our habits.

If you ask ten people on the street what the word habit means, nine out of ten will tell you that a habit is a negative action that people do over and over again, like smoking, or procrastinating, or eating too much. Bad habits get all the press. Let’s look at the results of just one bad habit: smoking. Every year, over 400,000 people lose their lives to smoking-related illnesses in the United States. Imagine then, the negative power that exists in just that one bad habit. It is staggering.

Now I want you think about an even greater power, a power that can bring you success, health and happiness; a power for positive, permanent, and automatic personal growth: the power of positive habits. Let’s look a little closer at the meaning of the word habit. Random House dictionary defines habit in this way:

Habit: An acquired behavior pattern regularly followed until it has become almost involuntary.

The important words in this definition are acquired and almost involuntary. Let me ask you a question. When is the last time you sat down and said to yourself, "Today I am going to add a new habit to my life?" I would venture to guess that you have probably never said those words. As you read this article, you will see how easy it is to add positive habits to your life and the great power they have to change it. Think about the words almost involuntary. This means the habit is so powerful in your mind that it is almost unstoppable! With respect to bad habits like smoking, procrastination, and overeating, this is very bad. But with positive habits, this is very, very good.

What is a positive habit? A positive habit is simply a habit that produces positive benefits, actions and attitudes you want to acquire and make a part of your life. Why is there such great power in positive habits to effect change? Because habits, by their very nature, are automatic. After a period of time they can become permanent.

So how do we go about adding new positive habits to our life? It’s really quite easy. You simply begin repeating an action, attitude or thought process every day for at least 21 days. Research has shown that an action that is repeated for a minimum of 21 days is likely to become a permanent habit. Remember that positive habits have positive benefits and you will reap those benefits for as long as you maintain that habit. So now that we know what positive habits are, and how to acquire them, let’s look at some simple positive habits from the book that will help you reach your goals and have a healthier body.

Positive Habit #53 - Make it a habit to set goals

Since we are talking about goals, what better habit could you have then the habit of setting goals? Did you know that the most successful people all share the common positive habit of goal setting? A study was done to determine the importance of goal setting. College students who had gone on to achieve great success in business were asked to list their habits. The students who had made a habit of setting goals were in the top 3% of earnings in the population! It is almost impossible to overestimate the value of goal-setting as a positive habit. Goal setting is simple, yet 97% of the population never do it. By making goal setting a positive habit, you can start placing yourself in the top 3% of the population of successful people.

Here are some simple steps to help you start making goal setting a positive habit:

Step 1 - Define your goals, write them down, and be very specific; capture your goals on paper. It is amazing how many people never take the time to write down exactly what it is they want in life. Remember, you can’t hit a target if you don’t have one.

Step 2 - Determine what the time line is for reaching your goals; set specific deadlines for each goal.

Step 3 - Identify any obstacles that may stand in your way, list them, and state how you plan to overcome them.

Step 4 - Make a list of the people and/or organizations who will help you reach your goals.

Positive Habit #3 - Take Flax Every Day for a Healthy, Trim Body and Lower Cholesterol!

What is flax?

Flax is a blue-flowering plant known for its oil-rich seed. People have been eating flaxseed since ancient times, it has a pleasant, nutty flavor. The health benefits of flaxseed and flaxseed oil are significant and for that reason this habit is recommended as a primary habit for health and a trim and fit body. Here are some of the benefits of flaxseed and flaxseed oil:

Flaxseed contains both soluble and insoluble fiber. Several studies have shown that flaxseed can help to lower cholesterol in the same way that other soluble fiber foods like oat bran and fruit pectin do. A study at the University of Toronto showed that total cholesterol levels dropped 9% and LDL (the "bad" cholesterol) decreased 18% among a group of women who ate milled flaxseed cooked into bread every day for a period of 4 weeks.

Flaxseed is one of the richest sources of lignans and alpha-linolenic acid. Studies suggest that lignans may help to prevent certain cancers. Flaxseed is one of the few plants in the plant kingdom that provide a high ratio of alpha-linolenic acid (an omega-3 fatty acid) to linoleic (omega-6 fatty acids), it is an excellent source of healthy polyunsaturated fat.

A new study has confirmed that the positive habit of taking flax seed daily can help you get a trim and fit body. I interviewed Dr. Sam Bhathena, a researcher at the Phytonutrients Laboratory of the US department of Agriculture, he said, "we have observed that flax seed meal is much more effective in lowering cholesterol then soy. Several other studies have shown that in general, omega-3 fatty acids,lower lipid deposition, and help in reducing body weight."

Omega-3 fatty acids — More than half the fat contained in flaxseed is omega-3 fatty acid type, an essential fatty acid. There have been numerous studies reporting the health benefits of consuming omega-3 fats. Recent studies suggest that omega-3 fatty acids which are abundant in flax seed can help protect you from coronary artery disease, stroke, high blood pressure, autoimmune and inflammatory disorders. Studies on the effects of flax seed on breast cancer are now under way. Omega-3s can also help boost your metabolism, helping your body to burn calories faster.

Flax is available as raw seed, ground seed and also as an oil which is made by cold pressing flax seeds. You can purchase raw flax seed, ground flax seed and flax seed oil at most health food stores. The easiest way to incorporate flax seed into your diet is to buy ground flax seed meal and add it to your food.

  • Substitute for cooking oil or shortening in baked goods.
  • Add ground flax seed to pancakes, waffles and cereals.
  • Put ground flax seed on salads.

Here is a great recipe for a super health shake.

Make a protein shake with 8 ounces of your favorite juice such as apple or orange add:

  1. 2 tablespoons of flax seed oil
  2. 2 tablespoons of soy powder
  3. 1 tablespoon of lecithin
  4. fresh fruit such as bananas, papayas or blueberries
  5. Blend with a hand blender or an electric blender

This power shake will provide you with the health benefits of soy; omega-3’s, fiber, antioxidants, and enzymes from the fruit, and the fat loss benefits of lecithin.

Learn more about The Power of Positive Habits

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CDC Reveals Toxin in Sunscreens Contaminates 97% of Americans

An April, 2008 study released by the Center for Disease Control shows that nearly all Americans are contaminated with the toxic chemical oxybenzone. The chemical is used primarily in sunscreens to absorb UV-ultraviolet rays. In Europe, sunscreen products that contain 0.5% or more of the chemical must be labeled, “Contains Oxybenzone,” because the chemical has been shown to penetrate into the skin. When oxybenzone gets into the layers of skin it acts as a photosensitizer and increases the production of cancer causing free radicals.

The CDC also showed a higher concentration of oxybenzone in women, most likely due to its use in other cosmetics, including moisturizers which are advertised as having sunscreen capabilities. Ironically, women who use these products to seemingly protect their skin from free radical damage, which causes pre-mature aging of the skin, are actually contributing to such damage.

2006 University of California study published in the journal, “Free Radical Biology and Medicine,” showed the longer oxybenzone and two other sunscreen chemicals remained on the skin, the more free radical damage occurred. So even though doctors and health officials have touted sunscreens as the best method to protect our skin from free radical damage which leads to skin cancer, they actually increase the damage the longer the sunscreen is left on.

The Environmental Working Group (EWG), a nonprofit research organization for public interest groups, lists nearly 600 sunscreen sold in the United States that contain oxybenzone. The EWG also states that one of every eight high SPF sunscreens do not protect against UV-A radiation. With so many sunscreens on the market now linked to this and other dangerous chemicals, it is not hard to see a correlation with the one million new skin cancer cases diagnosed in 2007 alone.

Skin cancer is now the number one diagnosed cancer in men and women in the world. Squamous cell and basal cell carcinomas make up the majority of skin cancers, while melanoma contributes to 75% of all skin cancer deaths according to WebMD.

While a number of recent studies show that daily sunlight exposure actually decreases the risk of certain cancers, there is still a need to protect against over exposure to the sun. “If you are going to be in direct sun exposure for more than 20-30 minutes you should use a natural sunscreen,” states health researcher and nutritionist Thomas Von Ohlen, MS, NC.

“Stay out of the sun during the peak hours of 11 am to 3 pm if possible and consume supplements or foods high in calcium and essential fats like fish to avoid skin cell damage from sunburns.” Von Ohlen also mentions using an all natural sunscreen from  BestBloc Organic Sunscreen which contains no oxybenzone or other toxic chemicals.

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Agoraphobia and Panic Attacks
By Joe Barry

There is phobia that is linked to the experience of panic attacks, and that is agoraphobia. Agoraphobia is the fear of open spaces or of being in crowded, public places such as shopping markets. It is a fear associated with leaving a safe zone, such as the home.

Because of a feeling of being vulnerable, people who experience this fear often suffer from panic attacks in these “open” situations. It is true to say many people who have regular panic attacks experience different degrees of agoraphobia. Some have a lingering background anxiety about being away from home should they experience a panic attack. Other people are so immobilized by this fear that they find it very difficult to leave their home for even a short period.

The thinking behind agoraphobia usually follows the line that were a panic attack to occur, who would look after the person, how would he or she get the assistance and reassurance they needed? The vulnerability grows from the feeling that once victims of agoraphobia are caught in the anxiety, they are suddenly unable to look after themselves and are therefore at the mercy of the place they find themselves in and the strangers around them. In its extreme form, agoraphobia and panic attacks can lead to a situation where people become housebound for numerous years. Please note, this is by no means a hopeless situation, and I always need to reinforce the fact that something only becomes hopeless once the person really believes that to be the case.

To begin with, the primary issue that needs to be addressed is the belief in the safe zone. To clarify, when I talk about safe zone, I am referring to the zone where the person believes panic attacks do not occur, or at least occur infrequently. As comfort is found there, it is where the person tends to spend more and more time. The safe zone of anxiety is a myth sustained by the mind. The mind has developed a habit of thinking that dictates that being inside the safe zone is the only place to feel secure and avoid agoraphobia and panic attacks. If agoraphobia is an issue for you, watch as your mind comes up with reasons why it believes only a certain area is safe and another is not. Those reasons range from being near the phone or people you trust to having familiar physical surroundings to reassure you.

The reality of anxiety is that there is no such thing as a safe zone. There is nothing life threatening about a panic attack, and therefore sitting at home is the same as sitting under the stars on a desert island. Of course, your mind will immediately rush to tell you that a desert island is a ridiculous place to be as there are no hospitals, no tranquillisers, no doctors, NO SAFETY.

You need to review your previous experiences of panic attacks. Aren’t you still here, alive and well, after all those attacks during which you were convinced you were going to die?

It may be that on occasions you have been driven to the hospital where they did medicate you to calm you down, but do you really believe that you would not have survived were it not for the drugs? You would have. If the same bout of anxiety had occurred on this desert island, it too would have passed, even if you were all alone. Yes, when it comes to conditions that need medical attention such as asthma, diabetes, and a whole litany or other conditions, then having medical aid nearby is a big asset, but no doctor in the world would tell someone with anxiety that there are only specific safe zones in which she or he can move.

As I know more than anyone how terrifying it can feel to move out of your safe zone as the feeling of fear is welling up inside, I do not wish to sound harsh. This course is not about chastising people for their behaviours. It is a way of looking together at solutions and seeing through the myths that form prison walls. The goal is to enable you to return to a richer and more meaningful life and ultimately defeat your agoraphobia and panic attacks. I also realize that people around you cannot understand why a trip to shops would cause you such discomfort. You will have to forgive them and try not to be upset by their lack of understanding of your problem.

If an individual such as a partner or family member has not had a similar anxiety issue, that person may often find it hard to understand and empathize with what you are going through. I am sure you have been dragged out of the house numerous times against your will, kicking and screaming. This can then lead to tensions and arguments and is upsetting as it can make you feel less understood by those around you. People around agoraphobics are often simply trying what they feel is best. If you can see that their intentions are well meaning (although often misguided), then you will be able to relate to them better and help sooth any potential conflicts.

There is one thing I am sure you will agree with, and that is that the only person who will get you out of agoraphobic thinking is yourself. These are your thoughts, and only you can begin to change that pattern. Dealing with long term agoraphobia and panic attacks is a slow process to begin with, but once the results start happening, it moves faster and faster until you reach a point where you will find it hard to believe that going out was such a difficult task.

Learn more

Joe Barry is an international panic disorder coach. His informative site on all issues related to panic and anxiety attacks can be found here:

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Smoking Impacts Eye Health Too
By Orlin Sorensen

It's a rare person who is not aware that smoking can cause lung and other cancers, but did you know smoking can have an adverse effect on your vision as well?

Age-related macular degeneration (ARMD) is perhaps the most significant threat to smokers' eye health. The link between smoking and ARMD is as strong as the link between smoking and lung cancer, yet few are aware of the link or even of ARMD.

Age-related macular degeneration is the leading cause of vision loss and legal blindness in Americans age 65 and older, according to the eye-health organization Prevent Blindness America. The macula is the part of the retina we use for reading, driving, recognizing faces, watching television, and fine work: in short, it is the region of maximum visual acuity. Smoking causes damage to the macula, which is found in the retina, where light-sensitive cells process images.

Studies have shown that people who stopped smoking 20 years ago have a similar risk of developing ARMD as nonsmokers, and that the risk starts to decrease after ten years of not smoking.

Also, a Chinese University of Hong Kong study has found strong links between smoking and toxic damage to the eye. Depending on the amount of exposure, secondhand smoke can create similar dangers for nonsmokers. Toxins associated with smoking may decrease blood flow or cause clots to develop within eye capillaries, cutting off vital nutrients essential for eye health. Smoking also causes development of free radicals, which can disrupt normal function of otherwise healthy cells and lead to eye disease.

Smoking may be a risk factor for other eye conditions, including:

  • Cataracts: There is conclusive evidence that smoking causes nuclear cataracts. Recent reviews have found smokers' risk of developing nuclear cataracts to be up to 2.9 times that of those who have never smoked.

  • Glaucoma: Smoking causes shrinkage or constriction of blood vessels, which is directly linked to rising inner eye pressure that can lead to glaucoma and accompanying optic nerve damage.

  • Graves' ophthalmopathy: This condition, often associated with thyroid disease, disrupts muscle control of the eye; smoking has been shown to increase the risk of developing thyroid disease.

  • Diabetic Retinopathy: While smoking may not directly cause diabetic retinopathy, most experts agree that quitting smoking helps stop progression of the disease.

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Poisonings From a Popular Pain Reliever Are Rising
By Deborah Franklin

Despite more than a decade's worth of research showing that taking too much of a popular pain reliever can ruin the liver, the number of severe, unintentional poisonings from the drug is on the rise, a new study reports. The drug, acetaminophen, is best known under the brand name Tylenol. But many consumers don't realize that it is also found in widely varying doses in several hundred common cold remedies and combination pain relievers.

These compounds include Excedrin, Midol Teen Formula, Theraflu, Alka-Seltzer Plus Cold Medicine, and NyQuil Cold and Flu, as well as other over-the-counter drugs and many prescription narcotics, like Vicodin and Percocet.

The authors of the study, which is appearing in the December issue of Hepatology, say the combination of acetaminophen's quiet ubiquity in over-the-counter remedies and it's pairing with narcotics in potentially addictive drugs like Vicodin and Percocet can make it too easy for some patients to swallow much more than the maximum recommended dose inadvertently.

"It's extremely frustrating to see people come into the hospital who felt fine several days ago, but now need a new liver," said Dr. Tim Davern, one of the authors and a gastroenterologist with the liver transplant program of the University of California at San Francisco. "Most had no idea that what they were taking could have that sort of effect." The numbers of poisonings, however, are still tiny in comparison with the millions of people who use over-the-counter and prescription drugs with acetaminophen.

Dr. Davern and a team of colleagues from other centers led by Dr. Anne Larson at the University of Washington Medical Center in Seattle, tracked the 662 consecutive patients who showed up with acute liver failure at 23 transplant centers across the United States from 1998 to 2003.

Acetaminophen poisoning was to blame in nearly half the patients, the scientists found. The proportion of cases linked to the drug rose to 51 percent in 2003 from 28 percent in 1998. Not all the poisonings were accidental. An estimated 44 percent were suicide attempts by people who swallowed fistfuls of pills. "It's a grisly way to die," Dr. Davern said, adding that patients who survive sometimes suffer profound brain damage.

But in at least another 48 percent of the cases studied, the liver failed after a smaller, unintentional assault by the drug over several days. "I see some young women who have been suffering flulike symptoms for the better part of a week, and not eating much," Dr. Davern said. "They start with Tylenol, and maybe add an over-the-counter flu medicine on top of that, and pretty soon they've been taking maybe six grams of acetaminophen a day for a number of days. In rare cases that can be enough to throw them into liver failure."

Each Extra Strength Tylenol tablet contains half a gram, or 500 milligrams, of acetaminophen, and arthritis-strength versions of the pain reliever contain 650 milligrams. One tablet of Midol Teen formula contains 500 milligrams of acetaminophen, as does one adult dose of NyQuil Cold and Flu. One dose of Tylenol Cold and Flu Severe contains 1,000 milligrams. The recommended maximum daily dose for adults is 4 grams, or 4,000 milligrams.

"Part of the problem is that the labeling on many of these drugs is still crummy," said Dr. William Lee, a liver specialist at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas, who for years has been lobbying the Food and Drug Administration to make manufacturers put "acetaminophen" in large letters on the front of any package that contains it, so that as they reach for the bottle, patients will be more likely to pause and keep track of exactly how much they are swallowing.

Some companies have voluntarily added new warnings about acetaminophen's risk to the liver, and they should be given credit for that, said Dr. Charles Ganley, director of the F.D.A.'s Office of Nonprescription Products. "But labeling isn't where I would like it to be," Dr. Ganley added.

McNeil Consumer & Specialty Pharmaceuticals, a division of Johnson & Johnson, updated the labeling on all its Tylenol products in 2002 to list all the active ingredients on the front of the bottle, increase the type size of acetaminophen, and added a label on the front warning consumers not to use the product with others that contain acetaminophen, said Kathy Fallon a spokeswoman.

"I urge consumers to read the label," she said. "Anything more than the recommended dose is an overdose."

Dr. Lee said he was disturbed by a pattern: "that acetaminophen is always billed as the one to reach to for safety, probably even more so now, with other pain relievers pulled from the market."

In fact, the drug, when given in precise, appropriate doses is safer for children and teenagers than aspirin, which can interact with a viral infection to bring on rare but serious damage to the brain, liver and other organs in a constellation of symptoms known as Reye's syndrome. And among adults, low doses of acetaminophen are less likely than aspirin, ibuprofen or naproxen to eat away at the stomach, aggravate bleeding or harm the kidneys.

Even patients with chronic liver disease are justly advised to take acetaminophen for the occasional fever, or for the pain of osteoarthritis, a back injury or other malady, if they keep the total daily dose under about two grams, Dr. Lee said.

Experts agree that a vast majority of people can safely take the four-gram daily maximum that labels recommend for adults - the equivalent of eight Extra Strength Tylenol spread across 24 hours - and some people swallow much more without harm.

But by eight grams in a single day, a significant number of people whose livers have been stressed by a virus, medication, alcohol or other factors would run into serious trouble, Dr. Lee said. Without intervention, about half the people who swallowed a single dose of 12 to 15 grams could die.

How much alcohol over what time period is problematic? Recent research suggests the answer isn't simple. The package labels now warn anyone who drinks three or more drinks every day to consult a doctor before taking acetaminophen, but Dr. Lee thinks that people who are sober during the week but binge on weekends may be vulnerable, too.

The few days of fasting that can accompany a bad stomach bug also seem to increase the liver's vulnerability to acetaminophen. And though safe levels of the drug for large men may, in general, be higher than those for small women, obese people aren't protected; extra fat in the liver seems to prime the organ for further damage.

Nearly two-thirds of the people in the transplant center study who unintentionally poisoned themselves were taking one or another of the roughly 200 prescription drugs that contain acetaminophen plus an opiate. Among the most popularly prescribed drugs in this group include hydroconebitartrate plus acetaminophen, which is commonly sold as Vicodin, and oxycodone hydrochloride plus acetaminophen, better known as Percocet.

While these acetaminophen/opiate combination drugs can be very effective in curbing pain after surgery or injury, some patients who take the drugs chronically soon find they need increasing amounts to achieve the same level of pain relief.

Because the narcotic part of the compound can be addictive, its accompanying doses of acetaminophen climb sky high in lock step. The liver may keep pace with gradual increases of the drug initially, only to suddenly crash months later. It is the acetaminophen that kills the liver.

Lynne Gong of San Jose, Calif., watched her 28-year-old daughter, Leah, nearly die last summer after that sort of crash. What had started out as a treatment for the pain of a dislocated shoulder and subsequent surgery had escalated over two years to a full-blown addiction.

After her daughter was hospitalized, Ms. Gong said she found herself warning friends, neighbors "and anyone else who would listen" that they needed to closely monitor their own intake of acetaminophen and that of their children.

Some dangers lurk in surprising corners. One day, after Lynne Gong told the women in her prayer group about Leah's experience, a member went home and, after a little investigating of her own, discovered that her 12-year-old son and his friends had started nipping NyQuil on Friday nights for the alcohol content, in hopes of getting drunk.

There are 9.8 grams of acetaminophen in a 10-ounce bottle of NyQuil, Ms. Gong said. "Everyone really needs to be more aware."

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“Under the Fluorescent Light” - Fluorescent lighting and its contribution to: Cancer, depression and learning disabilities
By: Aurore Adamkiewicz ND

It’s official, Canada is now in the process of phasing out incandescent lighting and switching over to compact fluorescent lighting in favor of the Kyoto Protocol.  The United States is presently considering following in Canada’s footsteps.  Sounds like just the promising “Green” change that environmentalists were looking for.  Indeed, many are rejoicing over these compact glass gadgets that have been hailed as money/energy earth savers.  Why is the fact that CFL’s are filled with mercury, emit microwaves, are labeled a biohazard, and let off a strong and dangerous electromagnetic field being virtually ignored or downplayed in almost every article touting its “benefits”?  With these serious health implications to consider, it is worth it for us as a society to take a deeper look at the CFL phenomena and what its potential impact will be on the human race. Let us not forget what the impact that nuclear energy has already left on our entire world.  This was also once esteemed as a monetary and environmental breakthrough by many of the same people who are pushing the fluorescent lighting agenda today.

I would first like to explain why this subject interests me so and why I am taking this potential risk to our health so seriously.  I am a naturopath doctor that practices sound and color therapy.  Color therapy, also known as chromatherapy, is the practice of applying color to certain parts of the body using a light bulb and colored filters to balance, rejuvenate, and heal the human body and organs.

While this sounds like a simple and cost effective therapy (and it is), let me assure you that color and sound therapy is a science based on the effect of sound waves and frequencies and their effects on the human body.  In order for a chromatherapist to effectively treat the human body they have to rely on the most perfect light source to deliver the color.  Obviously, the most perfect source would be the sun itself, (yes, the sun, you know that big bright ball in the sky that has accumulated so many enemies these days?).  You maybe thinking about now that I am going to tell you that I use a full spectrum light, LED’s, or a halogen…think again.

Non-frosted, clear, incandescent bulbs, hands down, have the best and closest spectrum to natural sunlight.  Does that surprise you?  This is probably because you have been lied to for so long about the benefits of “full-spectrum” lighting.  A full-spectrum light or “Ott-light” is a bulb that has had the color yellow completely removed from its spectrum (Dinshah, 2005).  Taking out the yellow makes everything appear more clear and crisp, however, the fact that the color blue is completely missing is creates a potential imbalance to the human body. A regular non frosted incandescent bulb has a larger amount of yellow than natural sunlight; however it has a complete spectrum and is not missing any colors. Even with my rejection of the Ott light and the full spectrum light, do not think that I disregard the work of John Ott the founder of full spectrum lighting.  To the contrary, Dr. Ott’s research on the dangers of fluorescent lighting on the human body and environment is a powerful voice of dissent among the hypnotized masses.  His pioneering research 25 years ago on the biological effects of light sources on the human body is as relevant today as ever.

We no longer need to rely solely on Ott’s work for information about the dangers of Fluorescent lighting.  Robert Brennan from the New York Megaphone recently wrote an article calling for the removal of fluorescent lighting from public work places, schools and businesses.  Brennan states that fluorescent lighting causes mental and physical illness and poses risks to people who live and work under the lights all day long (Brennan, 2007).  Citing revolutionary research from such highly regarded scientists and researchers as Dr. Richard Stevens an epidemiologist from the University of Connecticut medical center and Laurence Martel Ph.D president of the National Academy of integrated learning, Brennan makes an irrefutable case against the “environmentally un-friendly” fluorescent lighting.  Fluorescent lighting has been linked to problematic modern day illnesses plaguing our society today, such as: depression, leukemia, melanoma, anxiety, tooth decay, sleep disorders, headaches, SAD, and aggressive behavior.  New studies have now proven that people who worked outdoors in the sun all day had the lowest amounts of skin cancer while office workers who worked under fluorescent lights all day had the highest (Cousens, 2000).

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Compact Fluorescent Light Bulbs - The Dangers of CFLs
By Cynthia Perkins, M.Ed.

Many environmentally conscious people think they are doing a great thing by using compact fluorescent light bulbs - CFLs. We see them advertised everywhere, even our most trusted environmental news sources tells us we should be using them. In the United States, production of traditional incandescent light bulbs will be phased out completely by the year 2012.

Unfortunately most people are unaware of and not many are talking about the fact that although CFL bulbs reduce energy and greenhouse gases, they put our health at an even greater risk than incandescent bulbs. They are energy efficient but not environmentally friendly.

Compact fluorescent light bulbs contain mercury. Mercury is a powerful neurotoxin that can cause serious damage to the all the tissues and organs in the body as well as the central nervous system and endocrine system and it disrupts functioning of crucial neurotransmitters in the brain. It is one of the most toxic substances on the planet and has been linked to a variety of serious health conditions like autism, memory problems, infertility, depression, thyroid disorders, alzheimers, adrenal disorders, anxiety, Parkinson’s and MS to name a few. It is especially toxic to children, pregnant women and small pets.

While the mercury is contained in the light bulb there is no risk, however if you drop the bulb on the floor of your home, then you are exposed to dangerous mercury vapors. Many are reporting that it is quite easy to break CFL light bulbs as you are screwing it in the socket. Additionally, when we toss them in the garbage and they are picked up by the garbage company, they are getting broken all over the city and in the landfills. This means that our air and soil is being contaminated with mercury across our cities.

In an interview with CNN, Ron Hui, a Hong Kong professor, chairman of the electronic engineering department and co-author of a recent peer reviewed publication on the environmental impact of CFLs, tells us that each bulb contains “3-5 milligrams of mercury. The safe intake of mercury for a human body is a few micrograms. One milligram is 1,000 micrograms.” However, other studies report that CFL bulbs may contain as much as 30 milligrams of mercury and estimate that they are releasing about two to four tons of mercury into our air each year.

Furthermore, Hui points out that no one wants to talk about the issue that the circuit board of the bulbs, which is where the mercury is implanted, can’t be recycled and there is nowhere for the toxins to go but our air and soil and we are creating a ticking time for our future generations.

The EPA claims that using compact fluorescent light bulbs leads to less mercury in our environment because they require less electricity and coal-fired power plants which are the main contributors to mercury emissions. However, that is preposterous. As professor Hui points out, we may be saving energy, have less greenhouse gases and mercury emitted during the process than we did in the creation of incandescent bulbs, but when manufacturing bulbs the mercury contamination is specific to the power plant itself. With CFL light bulbs, we have now brought the mercury into all our homes, city streets, soil and landfills.

Hui, also tells us that although we are under the impression that CFLs last longer than incandescent bulbs they are not as energy efficient as we have been led to believe because of a high failure rate within the electrolytic capacitor. However, the most scary piece of information to emerge from this interview is when Hui shares with us that the CFL is a very profitable business and manufacturers are not likely to pursue more environmentally friendly options, until the public becomes more aware and pressures the government to step in.

Even General Electric themselves have been quoted as admitting that the mercury in the bulbs may become a serious problem as sales of CFLs increase. Since it will soon be a mandatory practice, it is obvious we have a huge problem on the horizon.

In a recent study in the state of Maine, a number of clean up methods were tested after researches broke 65 compact fluorescent light bulbs and the air quality was found to contain up to 100 times the levels of mercury than is considered safe by federal guidelines.

In some cities and states, who are developing some awareness, it is illegal to put a CFL bulb into the garbage as they are considered to be hazardous waste. However many of them have not come up with other convenient options for disposal and thus most people continue to do so any ways. However, even if we do provide easy methods of disposal we are still left with the problem that the circuit board containing the mercury can’t be recycled so mercury waste is going to be accumulating somewhere regardless. Not only that, most people are not recyclers and many people could care less about the environment, even when it is illegal to do so, many people will not abide by the rules and they will end up in the garbage any ways. There is no way to contain this beast.

Some states are now publishing guidelines on how to reduce your risk for toxic exposure from a broken bulb. They tell us the following things

Guidelines for Cleaning Up Broken CFL Bulbs

Suggestions will vary depending on the source, but here are the most common.

  • remove children, pregnant women and pets immediately (they should not participate in or be present during the clean up process)
  • ventilate the area well
  • open a window and leave the room for at least 15 minutes
  • wear gloves, a mask and safety glasses
  • do not use a sweeper or a broom to clean it up
  • do not turn on your heating or air conditioning system
  • pick up big pieces with your fingers
  • use sticky tape to get small pieces
  • wipe the area with a wet rag
  • place all broken materials collected as well as all materials used in the clean up process in a second sealed plastic bag (air tight) or a screw-top glass jar and remove them from the house.
  • throw everything away that was used in the clean up process, including the rag and gloves.
  • if the break occurs on a carpet, cut that piece of that carpet out and throw it away.
  • wash your hands immediately
  • call your local recycling center to see if they collect CFL bulbs, otherwise put it in the trash.
  • as a preventative measure, it is suggested that compact fluorescent light bulbs should never be used in areas where there is carpeting or in sockets where a breakage is more likely to occur.

Wow, that’s quite a protocol and an awfully lot to go through just to reduce energy and greenhouse gases. It really makes no sense. Does this really sound like a product we want to be using? I don’t think so. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see that we haven’t solved anything with CFL bulbs, we’ve only created an even bigger and more toxic monster.

There are a couple problems with the protective measures mentioned above even if you follow them perfectly.

You have been exposed to mercury in the process of cleaning it up, so you have breathed in the vapor and absorbed it. So your health has been impacted by it at least to some degree.

The mercury will not be gone completely. There will still be residue that will take time to break down and thus you will be exposed to mercury during this time period.
Now for the average healthy adult, they may not see immediate consequences to their health with one broken bulb. However, if it occurs frequently, then it can accumulate in the body. On the other hand, for people with chemical sensitivities or chronic health conditions, they could have severe reactions and become quite ill for a long time with a single broken bulb.

Mercury is not the only problem with CFLs either. Other studies now tell us that they also expose us to dangerous electro magnetic pollution. Physicians report they are seeing an increase in migraines, headaches and severe skin rashes caused by compact fluorescent light bulbs.

So what should you do? Don’t use CFLs.

One alternative is to stock up on as many incandescent bulbs as you can so you have them in stock for the future, but another option is to use LED bulbs. provides us with an environmentally friendly choice. They’re a little more expensive, but they are ten times more energy efficient than incandescent and three times more efficient than CFLs and they contain no mercury.

References and More in Depth Must Read Information on CFLs

Also be sure to pass the word and help others to become aware of the dangers of compact fluorescent light bulbs. The more aware people become, the quicker manufacturers will be in responding to demands for a safer, more environmentally friendly bulb.

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Why We Should Be Alkaline Instead of Acidic

Our body really knows how to take care of us if we give our cells what they need to have so that our immune system is as God made for us

The majority of us started out with a good immune system and then as the years went by we started eating and drinking what we should not have and not eating and drinking what we need.  After about the age of 40 our body has used up most of what it needed and it goes down hill.  Slowly but downhill.  We then start to get little signs of fatigue, pains and just not as full of pep as we were.

Then as our body wears down we start to get any one of the degenerative diseases and our life is not joyful.  Our pep is gone; our feeling of waking up to a day full of wonder and excitement turns into, oh dear another day.

Your cells are hungry.  Your system is more acid.  You have stomach pains and start taking things the television says will stop this.  Sometimes it does and mostly it does not.  My husband did this and took all the medications and over the counter nostrums around. His stomach was always hurting.  The doctors said it was just ulcers and although at 71 he was given a complete workup at one of the best hospitals then sent him home.

In 10 months he was gone.  His so called "just ulcers" was an 8 inch tumor. And they removed it and sent him home with 6 months to a year to live.  He was gone in 6.  His oncologist said to me in privacy, "All the meds and over the counter things for ulcer is what killed him.  It made him acidic and made a hole in his stomach, and it is a crime that doctors recommend such things.

Don't let this happen to you.  Please read and take it to heart.  It would have saved him but he did not want anything but hamburgers, cookies and milk.

To keep it really simple.  All fresh, raw vegetables, unprocessed nuts are basic good low acidic foods.

However when cooked, or heated in any way they acquire a surplus of acid which is extremely disagreeable to the organism which is our body.

Eat fresh, ripen fruit that is in season.  Today we have lots of vegetables and fruits 12 months of the year.  However, they are picked when unripe and shipped in from other states and countries and usually sprayed again and again to keep them from spoiling.

Therefore when getting them at your market you are eating what is low in acid but now has poisons in and on them and they are not what I call ripe fruit.  Even their sugar content is not what ripe fruit has.  They are gassed in the trucks to preserve them.

It is desirable to eat only fruits and vegetables that are picked when ripe and local so that they are in season for your locality.  Then eat all you want.

When you cook any of these foods they become highly high acidic foods.

Also all pickles, relishes, chutney, tangy sauces vinegar and condiments are highly acidic foods.  They are non-foods actually.

Nuts that are unprocessed and raw are great foods.  Heat them and they are food less foods.

Visit the Body Explorer and discover what your body needs and how to feed your cells and boost your immune system.

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Arthritis And The Effects Of Resentment / Anger

Resentments and anger can be one cause of arthritis.  Combine resentments and anger with the accumulation of inorganic calcium deposits in the cartilage of the joints, and you hurt.

As the afflicted cartilage has a magnetic attraction for inorganic calcium atoms, the blood deposits them there instead of in some other part of the anatomy, such as in this case of hemorrhoids.

In arthritis they solidity the cartilage and ligaments, while in hemorrhoids they form a coagulated blood fibrin.  In either case, the eating of foods containing these inorganic calcium atoms does not create even the slightest suspicion of what eventually may take place.

Once an arthritic deposit has taken root, however, it becomes progressively menacing until actual bone distortion may take place.  The enlargement of the joints is usually the first sign after the occasional short of sharp pain at shorter or longer intervals make themselves felt. Once this process starts it becomes a matter of routine and this deposit becomes cumulative.

On of the most effective elements with which to help dissolve this inorganic, incrustated calcium has been found in grapefruit, in its organic salicylic acid content.  One or more pints of fresh grapefruit juice daily helps to dissolve this accumulation of foreign matter.  Canned juice is useless for this purpose.

Dissolving the inorganic calcium however, is only the first step in the course of this regeneration.  It is so hard to acknowledge RESENTMENTS and anger then to banish them but, this is the first step necessary to help you get over arthritis.

The calcium must be removed from the body, so you add celery juice which helps keep the calcium from forming.  You must also nourish the nerves and muscles of the large and small intestines.

This process can be painful at times, sometimes more than others, but I have seen sufferers go through it and become more active than ever before.  It requires will power and the cooperation of everyone interested in the victim's welfare, but the results have proved to be worth it.

Vaccines, drugs, heat, electricity, and a variety of orthodox nostrums have proved valueless as remedies.   The elimination of pain does not cure the cause.   It masks it and then later you pay the consequences of the drugs.

If the human body is suffering as a result of the transgression of the fundamental laws governing its nutrition, then cleansing the debris and waste from the system and nourishing it with the vital organic atoms of fresh raw vegetables and fruits, cannot help but restore the ebbing energy and vitality...

When such nourishment has been taken in the form of fresh raw juices properly extracted, the results have been speedier and more pronounced, once RESENTMENTS and anger are removed from the consciousness.

Do this, print on a 3 x 5 card and memorize it and say it over and over until it becomes second nature to you…

"I am not responsible for what others do or day.  I am only responsible for how I react to what others do or say."

Since learning these words in 1974 I have not lost my temper once.  I have been angry at times, but controlled anger, which is quickly gone.  I have been upset but that is quickly gone.

It takes practice.  I just wish I had known this phrase while raising 4 children.  It would have made their lives happier and mine more peaceful.

Best of Health,

Margie Garrison
I Cured My Arthritis You Can Too

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